Author Archives: lynn

What Are Those Black Triangle-Shaped Spaces Between My Teeth?

Dr Joseph R Nemeth WHAT CAUSES BLACK TRIANGLES BETWEEN YOUR TEETH? So you’ve noticed there’s a black space between your teeth that’s shaped like a triangle. It didn’t used to be there and then it was just kinda small and now it’s a pretty big gap. WHAT is going on? Are your teeth separating? Probably not. Are they […]

Know The Risks of Oral Piercings

Dr. James R. Nemeth There are many forms of self-expression, art, writing, fashion, even body piercing. When it comes to oral piercings, however–such as lip, labret, cheek and tongue piercings–it’s important to know all the risks involved. Know The Risks Before You Pierce Piercing anywhere near the mouth is very different than simply piercing an […]

Why do Dental Implants cost so much?

Why do Dental Implants cost so much

1st Family Dental Why do dental implants cost so much?! If you’ve ever had a tooth extracted, by accident or by a dentist, then you’ve probably looked into your tooth replacement options, including dental implants. There’s no question that implants are the best longterm tooth replacement option, but the cost of the procedure can give some patients […]

4 Ways to Have a Halloween You Can Feel Good About (Without the Kids Calling You Lame)

Dr. Mark Burhenne In my early years as a dentist and a father, I used to feel bad around Halloween. But it’s funny how 30 years of fatherhood and the joys of trick-or-treating with my daughters will change your perspective! I’ve come to realize that we can find a happy middle ground and have a […]

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