Category Archives: Dentist

A Little Communication Goes A Long Way

Steve Killian, CDT We all know how busy the dentist and staff are in a successful practice.  As a matter of course, those practices work with successful and reputable dental laboratories.  The trend follows because of the need for expert technical assistance from the most experienced dental technician/technologist in the laboratory.  The dental technologist is […]

Dentists and Technicians in Sync on Biggest Challenges

LMT Communications, Inc. LMT asked dentist-participants in our 2018 Dentist Survey to rank the challenges they assume laboratory owners face. Interestingly, they were correct in choosing the top two, saying a lab’s biggest struggles are hiring competent staff (which lab owners ranked as their #2 problem) and making do with inadequate work by clients (which labs ranked as […]

Five Habits for Successfully Handling the Stress of a Dental Career

Emily Letran, DDS, MS When was the last time you felt stressed because things didn’t go according to plan and you felt like you lost control? Was it last week? Yesterday? Today, right after lunch? Or 20 minutes ago? Stress is part of our daily lives. We wake up early and try to do 10 things […]

Remineralizing Your Teeth’s Enamel

123 Dentist If you’ve had issues with your teeth that involve weakening, white spots, or numerous cavities, one of the key causes could be demineralized enamel. To understand what demineralization is and how to remineralize in order to address the problem, take a look at this guide. You’ll understand that demineralization is not actually damage […]

Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic

Sandra Kahn, DDS, MSD, and Paul Ehrlich, PhD There is serious hidden epidemic that the public health community is just discovering. Its most obvious symptom is the growing frequency of children with crooked teeth wearing braces. But it also includes snoring, jaws hanging open, frequent stuffy noses, attention and behavioral problems, unrecognized disturbed sleeping (sleep […]

Tips for Discussing Orthodontic Treatment with Patients

Emily Taylor, Thurman Orthodontics The thought of getting orthodontic treatment can be scary for patients, and if you feel like you’re meeting resistance when you suggest it, you’re not the only one. Many dentist find it difficult to get patients on board with the idea of dental braces, while other seem to have no trouble […]

Houses Passes Action for Dental Health Act

Dentistry Today The House of Representatives passed the Action for Dental Health Act of 2017 (HR 2422) by a vote of 387-13 on February 26. Co-authored by Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL) and dentist and Congressman Mike Simpson(R-ID), it authorizes $18 million annually for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Oral Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs and […]

Dental Teams Must Play a Role in Communicating Treatment Possibilities

Ms. Engelhardt-Nash There are influential moments when opportunities occur to discuss and validate your treatment options with patients. Finding occasions to introduce and sustain the perception of quality care is the responsibility of every team member. From vital social media exposure to the initial moment of telephone contact and post-treatment continuing care visits, the team […]

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